ძმაო, რა ჯანდაბას აკეთებ, რატომ დახატე ეს ამხელა საჯარო ლინჩისთვის, მესმის, რომ ნაბიჭვარი და ცხოველი ხარ, ოღონდ არ აჩვენო ეს მთელ მსოფლიოს. მოკლედ იდიოტი ხარ
I like it and I want to see the date they went on and for them to be more then fuck friends I know she likes he so who wants to see them date pleas I need to know if they get to gether
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How tf is that render taking that long
kettering ohio this is deanon
ты сделан из дурака
ძმაო, რა ჯანდაბას აკეთებ, რატომ დახატე ეს ამხელა საჯარო ლინჩისთვის, მესმის, რომ ნაბიჭვარი და ცხოველი ხარ, ოღონდ არ აჩვენო ეს მთელ მსოფლიოს. მოკლედ იდიოტი ხარ
мге придет за тобой
that's one way te get revenge
I don't know why but sometimes the comments are better then the actual comic!
it was me barry i fucked your mother barry
Make more X♾️
This is why you never take "i fucked your mom" lightly
Yep she is for ur info bobby
This is hot and all, but how about that render? Is it finished yet?
Bruh the last page, "this tender had been at 88 percent for 20 minutes." That shit killed me and I don't know why
she literally went "i fucked your mom shitlips"
Correction: she said "that's right I fucked your mom you little troll
The best part about this is the fact that the render fucked up.
First comic ended with "Boom Bitch"
This one ended with "that's right. I fucked your mom you little troll"
I'm honestly fucking dying lol
Low key kinda ship these two lovely ladies together and would happily read more comics like this. Honestly both would be cute together
part 2
If Helen was my Mom
Oh the things i would do to her
If ya know what i mean