Бро, ты тратишь на это свой талант и время, сомневаюсь, что ты получишь от такой работы столько же, сколько мог бы рисовать комиксы для кого-то. Уверен, с таким рисованием ты куда угодно попадешь
The pale queen one is rlly interesting tho, best one imo. The other ones are not my taste tho, well the one with the witch and queen in black was pretty cool.
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This shit is way too good for this site, and i mean it
Бро, ты тратишь на это свой талант и время, сомневаюсь, что ты получишь от такой работы столько же, сколько мог бы рисовать комиксы для кого-то. Уверен, с таким рисованием ты куда угодно попадешь
The art? The writing??? I could read this with no porn and love it, but the porn is also so fucking hot
Hot DAMN the art goes hard in this one.
Спасибо, что не пропустили этот комикс, я не думал, что увижу такое хорошее чтиво в 100 страниц
The pale queen one is rlly interesting tho, best one imo. The other ones are not my taste tho, well the one with the witch and queen in black was pretty cool.
I cant in good conscience give my honest thoughts on this without reading the first 3 parts first but I really dont know when that'll be
It's really hard to understand when English isn't your first language but it's genuinely interesting and I love the art style
I aint readin allat
Porn aside, this is legitimately interesting.
.... Where's the porn???
Shtty Ai art
It's not AI ya dunce. Pick up a comic like Kingdom Come or The Sandman and you'll see this sort of art is very possible by hand. Git gud and die mad.
Good art but I'm not reading a bibles worth of porn
This whole saga has my deep sympathy. Truly, porn can be art
I aint reading allat
Report: Ca.S. 3,5-6.,9.
tf u talking about
Bó tay chấm com
i was going to read all this, but its get's boring pretty quickly. the art and premise is cool tho
is that fucking
Oh hey its that guy met him before very reclusive guy
also a little fun fact about this thing is its just some dude in film tape sitting on top of a mountain
like its just film tape bro is ass naked under there in the fucking tundra trying to get cool shots
That armor is useless
1 has heels, it can not be comfortable to run on mountains with those
2 does not protect anything, even the heart, it is simply impractical
It's for aesthetic solely, she mostlikely has some other hoohaa that makes it work, like magiks and such.
Take my eyes, take them aside