Not really. If you look at the orgasm moment, you'll see Sugar Belle's astral image superimposed over Buttercup. So while all of them were "joined in spirit", it was Bright Mac's member inside her.
It talks about generations so maybe its a changing of caretakers and that specific grove happens to have some kind of temporal distortion that allows the 2 girls to interact
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Funny sếch
Future sex from the past , if he cums 88 times they can go back to the future
lmao at people who haven't watched the show but read this stuff
Wholesome ish 6/10,
4 points for the art
Aw so cute... Wait... Is he fucking his mother?!
Not really. If you look at the orgasm moment, you'll see Sugar Belle's astral image superimposed over Buttercup. So while all of them were "joined in spirit", it was Bright Mac's member inside her.
Noclip moment
I didn't understand like Did they manage to see each other? and if so then the red pony Don't care that he's fucking his mother?
np i got u
this deserves APHEAT
Armor Peircing High Explosive Anti Tank?
I dont think that is what he meant but it'll work
Bruh I cried when I first saw the episode and this is just disappointing
Does this count as an orgy?
i don't know!
Ok guys, I have an answer to the pears... It's because... Magic.
I think its supposed to be about how if you find a pear then you get to have sex?
What have I become...
ok a few plot holes that i found are listed as
1 where is the tree for the second sides page 3
2 a bit of context is missing about the 2 parts
It hadn't grown yet
It talks about generations so maybe its a changing of caretakers and that specific grove happens to have some kind of temporal distortion that allows the 2 girls to interact
Horse S. Ex
The pony porn just doesn't die down does it?
One does not simply stop being a horse fucker, it is cross one must bear to their grave
This goes hard
pear.. with apples
Bro, I thought finn and Jake killed you
no, that was golb, and besides, there's infinite versions of me
Is that a poem?