Haven't been on in a while, but this comic opened the doors and set me on the path of discovering that I am gay. Thank you, writer.
XOXO- The Pumpkin Man
Did he leave his viewers in this site and focused on his premium viewers. 140 page is a lot and so far we didn’t even move a page since 5 months now. Still on 65. Why do those premium get half of the rest if this comic?
Look at how high quality the art is. Now think about the fact the you could spend so much time and money on this and bonus might like it? So if you were the comic creator you would have changed it to premium so that you could actually sustain the comic. And if your asking why people who pay get the pages and people who don't get nothing stop complaining and vouch up the 5-10 dollars
I had found an online discussion with a link for more content (he ends going into the forest and meet a chick with glasses) but I can't find it anymore. Probably was deleted. Why is it so hard to read this comic?
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Say gex??!!
guess what this finishes with 165 pages and when did this last get updated???
I've seen the rest it's all gay sex
I'm here for the concept and the smut
Guys he posted the updated version with 165 sites on this website ;) enjoy
Edit: currently you cant open it wow
some other website has already updated the full comic version which is luscious website
this is what I put into google (Arianul adult comic luscious website Natura)
You are a good man, thak you
It didn't update shit, fuck this
Why am I see Naruto in this?
You can find his art as Luna flame
We need more
Dontet.fhis comic die
This needs a update
and a little more sex
please more pages
Were are the new pages?
E6 was hosting some of it, but I don't know how far it got, and they added an auto-blacklist for certain content, so viewing requires a signup.
Did he leave his viewers in this site and focused on his premium viewers. 140 page is a lot and so far we didn’t even move a page since 5 months now. Still on 65. Why do those premium get half of the rest if this comic?
Look at how high quality the art is. Now think about the fact the you could spend so much time and money on this and bonus might like it? So if you were the comic creator you would have changed it to premium so that you could actually sustain the comic. And if your asking why people who pay get the pages and people who don't get nothing stop complaining and vouch up the 5-10 dollars
Please add new updates
I had found an online discussion with a link for more content (he ends going into the forest and meet a chick with glasses) but I can't find it anymore. Probably was deleted. Why is it so hard to read this comic?
do you remember the site?