What the fu- no. Wait. It's almost implied (at least I'm hoping it is) that due to time travel, he is immortal. I'm kind of hoping that remains the case after Aku was defeated
Honest opinion, isn't Geometry Dash just a rhythm game? What's so great about it compared to others? I've never played it but doesn't seem interesting from what I have seen
GD is not a story driven game because it largely shines through with its community. GD has an editor with very free capabilities (even better than mario maker in my opinion). Its mostly known as the 2d side scroller-platformer but it recently had an update that destroys the whole side scroller formula. there are 22 Official levels and 4 platformer levels (and the platformer levels has a storyline but its not that complex) and their purpose is to give people inspiration on the capabilities of the editor when it gets updated.
It feels like any other game I've played on browser or on mobile many years back. I can't enjoy these simple games much anymore. I need atmosphere, unique mechanics or if it gives some exotic feels like creepyness without intend or reminding of somewhere you visited in your other life kinda feels you know. That's why i play games nowadays, mostly old games giving me that feel due to limited technology r smthng
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Maybe, because in a past life, he was Samurai Jack... And most women fell for Jack.. Just ask Ashi...
What the fu- no. Wait. It's almost implied (at least I'm hoping it is) that due to time travel, he is immortal. I'm kind of hoping that remains the case after Aku was defeated
Dude is a ducking genius, isn't this enough for you
Bro, like Bagdad in 2003
Did you know that Xierra099 is a legend for this website???
yes i did
I believe this is one of the greats in the making folks
Is it just me or did anyone else notice Bubbles holding a royal flush?
meh fuck this lets play geometry dash and beat avernus
Man i just beat bloodlust
Honest opinion, isn't Geometry Dash just a rhythm game? What's so great about it compared to others? I've never played it but doesn't seem interesting from what I have seen
shut the hell up geometry dash can top anything
Not a game for me
I prefer story driven immersive experiences
GD is not a story driven game because it largely shines through with its community. GD has an editor with very free capabilities (even better than mario maker in my opinion). Its mostly known as the 2d side scroller-platformer but it recently had an update that destroys the whole side scroller formula. there are 22 Official levels and 4 platformer levels (and the platformer levels has a storyline but its not that complex) and their purpose is to give people inspiration on the capabilities of the editor when it gets updated.
It feels like any other game I've played on browser or on mobile many years back. I can't enjoy these simple games much anymore. I need atmosphere, unique mechanics or if it gives some exotic feels like creepyness without intend or reminding of somewhere you visited in your other life kinda feels you know. That's why i play games nowadays, mostly old games giving me that feel due to limited technology r smthng
I need more of this
Brother what the fuck is your Pfp. I've seen some horny people on this site but that's just fucking weird.
Hey, not everyone can be Anonymous or a sick meme. Everyone to themselves
Where is the rest?
Artist is still drawing the next page.
Hmmmmm robin yessssssss hmmmmmmm robin form one piece hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Wrong Robin bruh
A man has fucked his 3 daughters in Townsville!
- LEGO man
No way he came back
Xierra is a girl.
The concept of the PPGs being older and still fighting crime in T'sville absolutely bangs and I would actually love an entire series about it