fantasy cock fetish werewolves have knots also and thats the whole point of a knot its not hard to put it together its to get stuck to ensure all ther semen is in the mate
As far as I know dogs mate by doing it like every other mamal, however once they are ready for the ejaculation they move a bit so that the butts are touching.
At this point they're basically stuck together until the male's erection stops, this is so that all the sperm is able to enter the female and conception will therefore be higher. Don't know the exact time they're stuck like this, like half an hour or something if I remember correctly, but if you see them like this don't try to sepperate them yourself.
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This isn't ye's new album
Yeah it is fym?
when Stolas isnt being a major gay pervert he seems like a genuinly nice dad, the kind who supports his daughter if she got a boyfriend you know
Holy shit it ended. Weird
The "early access. Do not repost"on the last slide almost made me laugh for some reason.
Its exactly what blitz(o) warned us about
Where did I go wrong to get here?
This the shit im be saying
yes .̉̊̊̓̓̊̉̉̓̓̉̓̓̊̊̓̊̉̊̓̓̊̓̊̊̓̓̊̉̓̓̊̓̓̓̓̊̉̉̉̊̉̉̉̓̓̓̊̊̉̓̓̉̉̓̓̊̉̊̊̓̉̓̉̓̊̓̊̓̓̓̊̉̊̓̊̊̉̓̉̊̊̉̊̉̊̉̊̉̓̉̉̉̓̉̊̊̓̉̉̓̉̓̓̊̉̉̊̊̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊̓̊̉̓̓̉̉̓̉̊̉̓̓̊̊̊̊̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊̓̓̊̓̊̓̓̊̊̓̓̊̓̉̊̉̉̊̉̉̓̊̊̊̓̉̉̉̓̉̓̊̓̊̉̉̊̊̊̊̉̊̊̓̊̉̓̓̊̓̊̓̓̊̓̊̉̓̓̓̓̊̓̊̊̉̉̉̊̓̊̊̉̊̉̉̓̊̉̊̓̊̊̓̓̉̊̓̓̊̉̓̉̊̉̊̉̊̓̓̊̉̓̓̉̓̓̉̉̊̓̊̊̉̓̓̓̓̉̓̉̊̊̓̊̉̓̉̊̓̓̊̓̓̊̓̓̓̉̉̓̓̉̊̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̓̉̓̓̉̉̉̉̊̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̓̉̉̉̉̓̊̊̓̉̊̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̊̉̊̊̓̊̉̊̉̊̊̉̓̊̓̓̉̉̉̊̉̉̉̉̓̊̓̓̊̓̉̓̓̊̉̊̉̉̉̓̓̓̉̓̉̓̉̓̊̓̉̉̓̊̓̊̊̓̉̉̉̉̉̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̓̉̓̉̓̓̓̓̓̉̊̓̓̉̉̓̊̊̉̓̓̓̓̊̓̓̉̓̉̉̉̊̊̓̓̊̓̉̓̊̉̊̉̉̉̉̊̊̉̊̓̉̊̓̉̉̓̉̉̊̓̊̓̊̊̉̓̉̉̓̓̊̓̉̉̓̓̉̊̉̉̊̊̓̉̊̉̓̊̉̊̊̉̉̓̓̊̉̉̊̉̉̊̊̊̊̉̓̊
Hey stick to your post mf its crowded here
She pregnant now?
My hand hurts
"you know the kind of FREAKS up there who drool over you"
He then proceeds to use Luna to lure in all the perverts they have to kill
Bro what are these coments and why is pink guy on porn comics
If you only look at the human stuff your not a furry
You looked at the furry stuff?
why does no one know how knots work they cant come out that fast they get stuck for a bit till the cock softens
Bro I didn't need to know
The question is, Why the fuck do you know so much?
fantasy cock fetish werewolves have knots also and thats the whole point of a knot its not hard to put it together its to get stuck to ensure all ther semen is in the mate
..Werewolf cock fetish?
Anon.. n-no! it can't be! a-are you a WOMAN..!?
Nah he just gay
My question is, why does it matter so much?
(Am not OP)
As far as I know dogs mate by doing it like every other mamal, however once they are ready for the ejaculation they move a bit so that the butts are touching.
At this point they're basically stuck together until the male's erection stops, this is so that all the sperm is able to enter the female and conception will therefore be higher. Don't know the exact time they're stuck like this, like half an hour or something if I remember correctly, but if you see them like this don't try to sepperate them yourself.
Aaaaaaaaaaa ducking reading