Policemen swear to god Love's seeping from the guns I know my friends and I Would probably turn and run If you get out of bed Come find us heading for the bridge, bring a stone All the rage, my little dahrk age
I grieve in stereo The stereo sounds strange I know that if you hide It doesn't go away If you get out of bed And find me standing all alone, open-eyed Burn the page, my little dark age
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This should recieve SCP Object Classification....
This is utter blasphemy, thus proving that God is not real, or I'm being punished for some reason.
How could this possibly suck even more?
This is why I want to up the age of consent to 21
That's the age where I start drinking to forget all about this comic
Policemen swear to god Love's seeping from the guns I know my friends and I Would probably turn and run If you get out of bed Come find us heading for the bridge, bring a stone All the rage, my little dahrk age
I grieve in stereo The stereo sounds strange I know that if you hide It doesn't go away If you get out of bed And find me standing all alone, open-eyed Burn the page, my little dark age
Now I could keep reading this to subject myself to torture, but I'm no masochist. I will say that this is fucking terrible.
Maybe if they had some story or led up to it this could've been kinda hot. But even for a lolicon or a furry or a sadist this was a bit much...3/10
Even for a masochist this is way too much
Yes the fuck it is. What the fuck is this shit?
i hope this comic is a projectile because i want to megaman it out of existence with my short circuit
I think we should do some practice throws first, so we can be sure you get it at first try
They give you medals for fucking different people thats awesome
Yea no this is bad. I'm gonna grab Agent Samurai, maybe even Warden it's time to hunt and kill this man.
I can help by hacking his computer and leaking all his personal info, including his location.
well fuck my dick went limp really fucking quick