Oh my God, I so wish with all my heart I was a Pichu irl! ^w^ They're just so damn cute! I don't even care if TOMORROW I woke and I all of the sudden I was a boy or girl (doesn't matter) Pichu, in fact, I'd LOVE that! :D Would still VERY MUCH like to speak english tho.
Why would they do this...... At least it's a female.. It's still wrong and yes you're right pichu is a child. No wait it's a tiny pokemon Pre evolution Little tiny pokemon
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4 is the best of them all
Every day we stray further from God.
i can speak pichu look: pi pichu pii chuu pi chuuu piiiiii chuuuu pi pichu chu chu pi pichu pi chu pichu pi chu pi pi chu chu chu pichu
pi pichu chu piiii
5 isn't a pichu
Still looks very good
(0-0) (7_7). What the fuck?!
No I actually kind of like these
Cause pichu is my favorite Pokemon
Fuck man
I have went on every single comment and looked through all of them and this is the funniest
1. What the fuck.
2. Pichu is a literal baby, as in the thing is an infant.
3. What the fuck again.
yeah i have to kill you for that
thankfully everyone here is only here to make fun of the comic
Haha i like seeing it suffer
i don't i love pèmon
Someone's upset in SSBU...
isn't pichu a child?
Which makes this much better
Why would they do this...... At least it's a female.. It's still wrong and yes you're right pichu is a child. No wait it's a tiny pokemon Pre evolution Little tiny pokemon