WeeWillie  Slave Bazaar Bundle

WeeWillie Slave Bazaar Bundle Alpha 8.11

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I have been running across an error "DA: Couldn't find BG Mods/Slave Bazaar/.png" when ever I were to pimp the demon character
Tons of fun. The ability to break different slaves in different ways (and to do it repeatedly) is probably my favorite part. A bit buggy but that's understandable for a WIP mod.

Bugs I've encountered:

- Mod crashes on launch (you get a repeated message DA: Loading from Bazaar) - reinstalling the mod and Flash Player Projector fixed this for me.

- Sister's eyes aren't in the right spot - "U" and then adjust the "Eye X" and "Eye Y" values. You'll have to do this every time.

- Plexia can't be pimped (message: DA: can't find BGmods/slave Bazaar.png) - do not upgrade Plexia's room before first pimping.
Great Mod, I played it a lot.
Sadly as others have pointed out already, the issue with not being able to pimp Plexia is still present in the latest version (Alpha 8.11), but I managed to find the issue and fix it.

Open "LoaderWeeWillieBundle\Mods\Slave Bazaar\Girl0.txt"
Search for "PerformPimp_SetupGirl2_CutHair", which should result in 2 Matches (Line 380 and 381)
In those two lines replace "Eyesize_SetupGirl3_INSTANT" with "Eyesize_SetupGirl2_INSTANT"
Save and enjoy pimping Plexia

Additionally as some asked it there is a way to cheat Gold:
You can use https://mariani.life/projects/minerva/ to edit the your save.
BAZAAR.SOL has the property Player.Gold which represents your current gold value.
It is located in the folder "%AppData%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\localhost\"{file structure representing where the game gets executed}"\LoaderWeeWillieBundle\Loader.swf\"
DA: Couldn't find BG Mods/Slave Bazaar/.png
how fix it
Everything is awesome but today I found a problem. When use Plexia to make some coin there is an information "couldn't find BG mods/Slave Bazaar/. png" I deleted the game and installed again - no change. Can somebody help me? It worked fine before
Pretty good Mod, I only wish there was some sort of cheat mode for people who are bored and stuff like that.
download link fails when i try to download. is there any other way to download?
One of my favorite hentai games of all time. I've been playing it for a while. I was curious through, is there any way to fuck Talia? I feel like I remember some secret way to do so
how can i open file without adobe flash ? because its not exists anymore
I'm liking it so far. I did noticed a few in game days back that there was a choice to flirt with the "secretary", but i ended up not choosing it and it never came up again. Was that supposed to happen?
Hello everyone and happy new year !
I discover this game a few days ago and it's very good !

The gameplay is fun, not hard too understand and very additive !
A excellent job, I have a lot of fun.There is al ot of BDSM tools to use, such a pleasure but we want more like leashes, ropes, handcuffs, blinfolds...
But a have bugs, including impossible to pimping Plexia; a message error appears saying something is missing and I must restart the game. The problem is fix when Plexia is broken.
Does a patch will coming up soon to fix that ?

Thanks you and thanks for the game
(Forgive my english...)
hey man if you decide to update the bundle, could you please add a "mom" character ?
One of best dialogues out there. I hope that author is still working on it sometimes.. I'd love to see an update with more positions, dialogues/girls, more items in store? Keep up the good work :)
how can i play without adobe flash player ? any software ?
(Not a review, more of a call for some assistance) - I have played the game before, however, after reinstalling the latest version countless times and upgrading my flash player, the game comes up with a black screen after clicking the 'New game' or 'Customize' options. I have tried deleting the save files in the appdata directory however it seems to just not work. Is there anyone who may be able to help? Thanks.
I really love it, even if I would prefer to be able to auto-fuck the girls. However, do you think there is a way to have the girl orgasm mechanic to be independant? I'd love to be able to have that without having to use the whole kit.
Very good dialog.
For those who might not want to grind up money, you can change the starting funds by going into the Dialogue txt file (located at : mods/slave bazaar)
you can use the "find and replace" option in the notepad and search for "360" (the default starting amount of gold)
Great Game! However, I was reading the guide in the FAQ and it says to make Ashley a loving servant you have to raise her love, and mentions giving her her favorite outfit, but It doesn't say what her favorite outfit is. Could you please tell us what her favorite outfit is? Otherwise, it's a great game, only encountered 1 bug so far!
Does anybody know if theres a way to just get the Horse to use in Loader by itself?
Love it, however same as some people mentioned in way older reviews, I can't see the whipping scenes becouse the girl model just disappears, is there any way to fix this? I tried using various different versions of flash projector and changing girl height, nothing worked, it always bugs out after one or two whips.

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